In these times of uncertainty, the temptation can be strong to change up every routine and regimen in your life. After all, if nothing feels normal, then nothing is normal, right? Wrong. At times like this, it is more important than ever to maintain as much normalcy in your life as possible. So as we continue to adapt to a temporary reality of social distancing, remote working, remote learning, and constant hand-washing, we can't forget to STAY CONNECTED AND BE SOCIAL. But how do we do that? We've listed some options for you.
Our newly established K’vod Outreach Center works with local congregations, agencies, and community volunteers to increase social engagement for isolated older adults. The K'vod referral network includes rabbis, Jewish professionals, medical professionals, attorneys, police departments, and others who provide services to older adults. K'vod also partners with AgeWell Cincinnati—a central resource connecting older adults to a multitude of services through its four partner organizations.
Virtual experiences can be a wonderful way to feel invigorated, alive, and connected with the outside world. But first, you need to ensure that you or your older loved ones can tap in to these opportunities:
The links that we've compiled below are excellent sources for stress management. Learn how to breathe, meditate, or just be happy!
As the old saying goes, "Where there is confusion, there is money to be made." And where there is money to be made, there will always be con artists, scammers, identity thieves, and worse. Given the uncertainty of our current economic environment, the last thing any of us should want would be to get separated from more of our money. Here is what you should know: